Technical SEO Guide
marketing and content tools


Rather than just provide an automated crawl report on the errors and warnings of SEO issues that exist I can manage the technical SEO process. From investigating the causes of the errors to implementing the fixes onsite or tasking up to your tech team, the process is thorough and provides you with total control on budget/time spent.

technical seo

This article is intended to be a Technical SEO Guide for the SME. I identify the most common types of website errors that are within the remit of Technical SEO and what audits and investigation are wise to perform prior to taking any steps.

What is technical SEO

What should an SEO audit provide

What is content SEO

I am a freelancer available to work remotely or on location to assist in finding and researching the technical problems stopping your site from ranking or achieving the visibility and site scores that it should. I also work for digital agencies and for larger projects can provide and organise the necessary pitch, presentation and audits required for board approval.

What is technical SEO ?

There are more elements to this, however, the points above are a good starting place to identify any technical SEO issues affecting indexability and issues and if maintained in good order should help you to achieve a healthy site score.

I will also include GA4 compatibility in this list as it will cause problems if your site is not ready for GA4 for most people when it comes to site performance reporting.

What a technical
SEO Audit should provide

Rather than just provide an automated crawl report on the errors and warnings of  SEO issues that exist I can manage the technical SEO process. With experience working within an agency and client-side to an agency, I am able to work with the necessary internal teams and external contractors to manage the process of technical SEO. It is never just a case of fixing the errors and then leaving it, generally, there is a period of 2-3 months of deep investigation and grouping these errors or problem areas into ‘batches’ whether these be batches of types of url or coding issues affecting multiple site changes, I go beyond the report to find and provide solutions to each issue. With WordPress sites I have the capabilities to implement these fixes directly to a staging site for internal sign-off or with other platforms can liaise and either tesselate with the agency’s preferred project management platform or create a task list for them to be able to access and update as their work progresses.

Generally, I will approach a new project with an audit – this covers in-depth research of the technical situation, the site architecture, and other eye-ball findings alongside the crawl reports. I will also further explore the areas associated with content and keywords for which you rank, for which you should rank, for which your competitors rank, and include information on content gaps and areas that should be focussed on in the future. This additional specialist area of SEO is content SEO. In addition to this, I will also explore competitor site structures and compare opportunities.

The audits will include information on areas such as backlinks and produce a visualisation of where your traffic comes from – brand, content groups and which pages they relate to in comparison to your competitors.. it will include summaries of what pages rank for desirable topics and the trust and site scores of your main business and online competition and provide an overview of anchors categorising these and providing you an approximate summary of the types of anchors used in your backlinks articles and also those used internally – you will often find the percentage of ‘naked’ and ‘brand’ anchors are far too high and too many generic anchors are also a common problem with in-house generated content.

It is from these audits that I will be able to determine, realistically, what charges will be necessary to provide SEO services and in terms of technical SEO how much ‘technical’ work needs to be completed prior to starting the optimisation of the site and content contained within.

If these fees are of acceptance by you I can provide a range of SEO services and in some instances will hire additional specialists and provide the strategy and project management services to ensure that these many elements of SEO are completed to a schedule that suits your requirements and also achieves the optimal results in the minimum time-frame possible.

What clients will often appreciate is my ability to provide the total digital service, combining creative, data-analytics, technical and campaign expertise to all my projects. This ensures that rather than just bring new traffic or increase traffic you will get advice. assistance and often implementation of site functionality, campaign strategy and even business development ideas to ensure you remain competitive and relevant. These services are intrinsic to my work as an experienced freelance digital marketer and will be available to you through any retained or one-off project via appropriate meeting, scheduling and creative or development time.

Technical SEO Guide
And other Frequently asked Questions

When do I hire additional support?
The reasons are generally unique to the site, however, it will be to ensure the right specialist can take ownership and to ensure that there is an appropriate resource assigned to the task in question – if for example, you need specialist content writing or industry-specific link-building or perhaps you have a hard coded website that requires php specialists to work on improving the structural elements or hard coded elements, removing obsolete url parameters and similar site specific code elements.
Are your fees per project or hourly – do they include the work of other specialists?
My Quotes are provided per project and where possible are priced on the delivery of project unique deliverables, however, often, especially the case with technical SEO it is difficult to estimate the exact time when tackling this type of work for the first time, there is often much technical debt built-up over the years. Additionally, the structure of each site is so different, the true extent of what is causing an error or warning may not be identifiable until work has been spent looking into the issue – much the same as when renovating an old house, the cause may not be evident until an investigation or survey (in this case audit) has been completed. In summary – for technical SEO you should expect to have a period of 3 months of time-priced work which can be dovetailed into your existing Dev/Host set-up or completed completely remotely with the appropriate c-panel permissions provided. Any instance of additional specialists being required, these will be advised at the quoting stage or in advance of any work being completed and options provided to suit your circumstances.
Can you work with my existing Web Dev team?
Yes, I can – however, it will need to be factored into the pricing, often, web development teams are not specialists in SEO and therefore the additional time and resource they will need to put aside to action the reports and findings is often an additional cost. I can help with these negotiations and also advise on areas that are widely considered to be site-faults – ie – things that the dev team have perhaps over-looked in their management and hosting fees and packages and ensure this work is completed as part of your existing contract. I can also advise on what sort of hourly input should be required to implement the desired SEO on a retained or SLA agreement.
How to report on improvements and performance?
Generally speaking there are base metrics that are generally considered to be indicators of site health – these would include for example broken links and meta, broken backlinks, broken images, large-unoptimized images etc etc.A breakdown of the site health is easily reportable on and will be provided on a monthly on-going basis. In terms of content SEO, I generally report on these statistics in sections.But essentially you should be aiming for the majority of your site pages to be error free, that is without any warnings or issues.Additionally, grouping content into topics and keywords into pools. The performance of these key areas of content are readily reportable on from their SERPS positions and also the conversion value, I am a digital marketer and understand the importance of ensuring it isn’t just swathes of traffic coming to your site, and it is actually traffic that will and can convert. I also have tracking and tagging experience and can provide the necessary GA4 and GTM tracking solutions to allow you to monitor site performance and if you wish turn these into KPIs along-side the traffic volumes.
How Much does Technical SEO cost?
I am hoping the answers here provide you with some sort of indication of the type of work involved.If you are in a position of having completed an audit and implemented the fixes, you are generally looking for retained technical SEO to be managed and monitored then you should expect to pay £750-£2500 per month depending on how complicated the site databases and the amount of internal content generated.A SME with a turnover above a Million should expect to pay somewhere in the region of £4,000-£15,000 for an audit plus expect a 3 month period of managed technical SEO implementations, at the end of this period it would be the aim for the majority of the technical fixes be implemented and a QC process in place to ensure no spiraling errors are occurring.
What is Content SEO?
Content SEO is the process of analysing performance on topics and producing the right, topical content to advance the performance of the site in total and also to achieve and advance positions in SERPS to the 1st page. It is more of a marketing exercise, more closely related to campaigns and landing pages, profiling and competitor analysis. I have personally developed a SEO colour-wheel theory to provide visual explanation of this process and its relationship to the core business activities and real business conversions. In terms of content SEO, I generally report on these statistics in sections. Grouping content into topics and keywords into pools. The performance of these key areas of content are readily reportable on from their SERPS positions and also the conversion value, I am a specialist digital marketer and understand the importance of ensuring it isn’t just swathes of traffic coming to your site, and it is actually traffic that will and can convert. I also have tracking and tagging experience and can provide the necessary GA4 and GTM tracking solutions to allow you to monitor site performance and if you wish turn these into KPIs along-side the traffic volumes.
content SEO
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